GPS: 32°40’13” S 26°04’42” E

MAASSTROM: Flowers, flowers and more flowers. One of the "must see" gardens open during the annual Bedford Garden Festival.
MOSSY CHERUB: A cute little cherub fountain in Maasstrom's garden adds a continental feel to a South African farm.
FLOWERS EVERYWHERE: If the Earth laughs in flowers, then this must be mirth.

PLANTS OF WISDOM: Plants have a lot to say if you'll take the time to listen.

FRIENDLY GARDEN: Come into the garden . . . the flowers want to meet you.

OLD GARDEN: Gardeners don't get old - they simply go to pot!

CONCRETE GARDEN: An effective use of paving slabs and grass to create an attractive checkerboard effect.
PINK ROSES: As you walk around the garden at Maasstrom you'll be impressed with the large variety of beautiful roses.
DANCING BIRDS: A charming fountain in the middle of the lawn creates an exclusive atmosphere in the garden.
PRETTY PICTURE: Charlotte and George van der Watt are the driving forces behind the Maasstrom garden.

FOREST RETREAT: George van der Watt likes to sit at this small deck he built in a thickly forested area of Maasstrom's garden and enjoy a cup of tea.

STRATEGICALLY PLACED: Cement vases are placed at the most appropriate positions throughout the garden.

TRANQUIL STOEP: Surrounded by bougainvillea and rose bushes, an attractive cast iron table with chairs will create an idyllic setting for a cup of tea and scones on the stoep.
ROSES ROSES EVERYWHERE: There is no shortage of roses in Maastrom's magnificent garden.
CEMENT FONDUE OWL: This stylistic own sits on a pole under the shady trees waiting for his next meal.
ROSY PHOTO: Wherever you stand at Maasstrom you are bound to see another photo possibility. It is amazingly inspiring.

FARMING DECOR: An old tractor wheel serves as an attractive rustic decoration in the garden.

Watch this space for an interview with the Van der Watts.