Ivor Markman
The beautiful dusty village of Bedford celebrated the 150th anniversary of its founding in 2007 not only with a garden festival of note but also by planting its own rose, the Bedford Jubilee, named after the event.
Residents of the small Eastern Cape town and members of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners from England gathered at the town's new commemorative garden for a dedication ceremony and rose-planting.
South Africa's rose guru Ludwig Taschner cultivated the new rose in Pretoria.
The Nxuba Municipality decided to buy the naming rights for a rose in honour of the occasion.
A six-month competition was held throughout the community during which time people could propose names for the rose.
A committee reduced the names down to six finalists and these suggestions were sent to Taschner who decided the winner.
He settled on the name Bedford Jubilee.
The winner, who chose to remain anonymous, used the prize money to donate two roses which were planted by Mayor Makaya Mana and Sir Gavyn Arthur, past City of London Lord Mayor, in the new Garden of Meditation.
Taschneis daughter, Anja, came to Bedford on behalf of her father and entertained the guests by executing a large oil painting of the new rose on the stage of the Town Hall.
"Worldwide a few hundred new rose varieties are released every year and just like people they need names to be identified, spoken, written and talked about " she said.
“Although the new rose has been tested and reviewed over several years, the proof of the pudding is once many roses are planted in many gardens and have shown their adaptability for the soil, the climate and the individual care."
Anja said Bedford had a reputation as an oasis in the semi-desert of the Karoo, with roses flourishing in the area since the town was established 150 years ago.
"I'm convinced this new rose will do (the) town and region proud and will soon be planted and enjoyed in many gardens."
The new rose is expected to grow into a neat shrub that, depending on pruning, will reach chest height and attain a width of three metres.
The foliage has highly attractive blossoms and bright red flowers in bunches or individual blooms capable of covering the entire shrub.
BEDFORD 150 ROSE - A beautiful new rose

COLOURFUL DIGNITARIES: The former Lord Mayor of London, Sir Gavyn Arthur, (4th from left) the Mayor of Bedford, Councilor Makaya Mana (right) and other dignitaries pose for a photo during the gala dinner evening held at the Bedford Town Hall.

GETTING STARTED: The first clues to the colours of the new Bedford Jubilee rose emerge as artist Anja Taschneis dabs the various colours on the canvas. INSET: The Bedford Jubilee Rose. Photo: http://www.ludwigsroses.co.za
GRATEFUL THANKS: The Mayor of Bedford, Councilor Makaya Mana, receives an illuminated vote of thanks from the former Lord Mayor of London, Sir Gavyn Arthur, on behalf of the visiting Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London.
RECIPROCAL GIFT: The Mayor of Bedford, Councilor Makaya Mana, presents a hand-made yellowwood tea tray to the former Lord Mayor of London, Sir Gavyn Arthur, on behalf of the citizens of Bedford.
LORD MAYOR'S GREETING: The Lord Mayor of London, Alderman John Stuttart, sent a letter of congratulations to the Mayor of Bedford, Councilor Makhaya Mhana, and the citizens of Bedford on the occasion of Bedford's 150th anniversary.
TRADITIONAL DRESS: A Xhosa Chief was amongst the dignitaries who attended the anniversary celebrations.
HAPPY TIMES: Many Xhosa women were smartly dressed in traditional Xhosa attire.
TALENTED SINGER: Local singer Ammie Pringle ended the formal proceedings with a selection of songs.