Please note not all the beautiful gardens partaking in the Bedford Garden Festival have yet been visited for inclusion on this website.
As they are visited and documented they will be included.
Whilst the majority of the gardens can be reached by low slung cars, some farm gardens should only be visited with vehicles which have a high ground clearance.
Please enquire locally about road conditions or contact the festival organisers before venturing out.
Remember, there are some untarred rural roads so please do not speed, be aware of potholes, dongas, loose rocks and do not cut blind corners.
Please have your vehicle properly serviced before you visit.
The road signs have been erected for good reason. Please do not ignore them.
Be aware, this is kudu country and there are easier ways to get biltong other than by colliding with the buck.
Kudu are not only responsible for eating flowers and destroying gardens but these large and unpredictable animals have also been responsible for a number of tragic collisions on the roads.
Watch the clumps of bushes besides the road carefully, particularly between dusk and dawn.
Do not try to suddenly accelerate past kudu as they are totally unpredictable and might jump in front of your vehicle instead of away from it.
Finally, carry drinking water with you. It can get pretty hot out there.
Having said all this, don't be scared off, it's not so bad.
Exercise common sense and you'll be back to enjoy another visit to these wonderful gardens.