CONDUCTOR IN CHIEF: The master in charge of the boys made sure their concentration was on the performance of the lovely and entertaining music.
Grey Junior Band at the Mill Cricket Ground
The band will not be at the 2015 Festival

PUFFY CHEEKS: A lot of wind and strong lungs are required to blow the tuba.
BUDDING MUSICIANS: The boys concentrated deeply on what they were doing.
LONE FEMALE: Well, the teacher can be forgiven this time for joining the boys.
BOY'S BAND: Boys from the Grey Junior School in Port Elizabeth came to the Mill Cricket Ground in the Cowie Valley outside Bedford for the day to play during the Bedford Garden Festival.
DEEP CONCENTRATION: No matter which instrument the boys played, they made every effort to perform professionally.
GREAT ATTRACTION: Visitors flocked to the Mill Cricket Ground to take in the lovely music played by the youngsters.