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Glen Gregor

GPS: 32°38’01 S  26°07’33” E

BREAKING GREEN: In a landscape dominated by a range of cool green plants, trees and grass, a bench is located amongst a colourful bush at Glen Gregor farm.

BRIGHT BRUSHSTROKES: Like the colours from an artist's paintbrush, red flowers from a bougainvillea plant create stripes across the picture in stark contrast to the white and grey thatched rondavel in the background. Glen Gregor has an amazing indigenous forest with trees such as yellowwood, wild pear, sneezewood, forest schotia and more.

RUSTIC STOEP: The farmhouse at Glen Gregor has a beautiful rustic stone stoep (veranda) overlooking a garden beautifully tended by Judy Hunter and Sizwe Djantjies. The grey/blue roof is the perfect colour and reflects the shades of the distant mountains.

GLEN MEER: When Lochart Ainslie looked out from his verandah the only thing missing from their front yard was a pond so he built one, complete with a beautiful rustic jetty. Birdlife abounds on the dam and African Black duck, Yellow-bill teal, Red-knobbed coots, Common moorehens, Little grebes, as well as Giant, Pied, Malachite and Brown-hooded kingfishers have made it their home. European White Storks have also taken roost in a dead gum tree.  

BUBLING ROCK: Water bubbles through ball placed on top of a stone slab found in the veld at Lochart Ainsley's Glen Gregor farm in the Cowie Valley outside Bedford.​

WELL EARNED TROPHY: Speak nicely to Lochart Ainslie and maybe he'll be kind enough to show you this cricketing memento.

Watch this space

for an interview

with Lochart Ainslie!

HEAD GARDENER: Sizwe Djantjies, the man responsible for the maintenance of the garden.

VIEW FROM THE STOEP: What a beautiful spot to sit and sip an ice-cold beer or glass of wine and watch the sun set after a hard day's work in the fields.

DRINKING HOLE: These two antelope are just some of the many animals that come down to the dam to drink at various times of the day.

FOCAL POINT: There are many beautiful features in the garden, one of the most attractive being this huge tree as you enter.

© 2013 by Ivor Markman.

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